Complete Offroad » 1986, Jeep, Comanche

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  • (X) Year: 1986
  • (X) Make: Jeep
  • (X) Model: Comanche

View Universal items for: 1986, Jeep, Comanche

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Items 1141-1200 of 1332
Description: Yukon uses higher quality materials and better techniques than OEM to ensure a longer lasting spider gear set.
Item #: FDHC-YPKD44-S-30
Condition: New
Price: $208.89

Description: Yukon performance spools are made from the highest quality materials to ensure high strength and long life in performance applications.
Item #: FDHC-YP FSD44-3-30DN
Condition: New
Price: $369.89

Description: 1310 U-bolts, 5/16" x 1-3/8" Dana 30, Dana 44, 8.2", 12P, 12T, VET, Model 20.
Item #: FDHC-YY UB-002
Condition: New
Price: $29.89

Description: Replacement side gear thrust washer for Dana 44, Model 20, and Ford 8" & 9"
Item #: FDHC-YSPTW-013
Condition: New
Price: $6.89

Description: Yukon Axle ABS Tone Ring for Dana 44HD, with 3.85" Diameter and 48 Tooth
Item #: FDHC-YSPABS-031
Condition: New
Price: $36.89

Description: Disconnect axle pilot bearing for Dana 30, 44 & 60, 0.813" O.D.
Item #: FDHC-YB AX-004
Condition: New
Price: $18.89

Description: Drive Flange Cap for Dana 44
Condition: New
Price: $109.89

Description: Drive Flange Cap for Dana 44, Yukon Engraved
Condition: New
Price: $109.89

Description: Drive flange, 19 spline inner, 48 spline outer.
Item #: FDHC-YHCDF-19-A
Condition: New
Price: $121.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-411T
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-456
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-538
Condition: New
Price: $479.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-589
Condition: New
Price: $432.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D30R-354R
Condition: New
Price: $548.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D30R-373R
Condition: New
Price: $466.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D30R-411R
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D30R-456R
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D30R-488R
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D30R-513R
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG M35-307
Condition: New
Price: $410.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG M35-355
Condition: New
Price: $410.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG M35-373
Condition: New
Price: $410.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG M35-411
Condition: New
Price: $302.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG M35-456
Condition: New
Price: $410.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG M35-488
Condition: New
Price: $394.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG M35-513
Condition: New
Price: $394.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-308
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-331
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-354
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-373
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-392
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-411
Condition: New
Price: $413.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-456T
Condition: New
Price: $479.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-513
Condition: New
Price: $432.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-488
Condition: New
Price: $407.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle high performance ring & pinions set the standard for quality. Yukon designed the gear tooth surface finish to reduce friction and heat, and use high grade steel in both the ring & pinion, with fitment designed to OEM spec
Item #: FDHC-YG D44-488T
Condition: New
Price: $363.89

Description: Inner axle dust shield for Dana 30
Item #: FDHC-YSPBF-037
Condition: New
Price: $11.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle Intermediate Shaft Bushing for Disconnect Dana 30, Dana 44, and Dana 60
Item #: FDHC-YB AX-014
Condition: New
Price: $20.89

Description: M35 3.54 & Up Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip, 27 Spline Positraction Composite Clutches
Item #: FDHC-YDGM35-4-27-1
Condition: New
Price: $714.89

Description: Yukon performance spools are made from the highest quality materials to ensure high strength and long life in performance applications.
Item #: FDHC-YP MINSD44-30
Condition: New
Price: $188.89

Description: Model 20 & Model 35 axle stud 0.620" Dia. Shank.
Item #: FDHC-YSPSTUD-011
Condition: New
Price: $8.89

Description: Model 35 & other screw-inaxle stud, 1/2" -20 x 1.5".
Item #: FDHC-YSPSTUD-010
Condition: New
Price: $8.89

Description: Model 35 (standard Open & TracLoc) 8.25" Chrysler TracLoc cross pin bolt.
Item #: FDHC-YSPBLT-048
Condition: New
Price: $14.89

Description: Model 35 1310 pinion yoke, U-bolt TYPE, with conversion seal. 3.219" snap ring span, 1.062" cap diameter. Outside snap ring.
Item #: FDHC-YY M35-1310-26U
Condition: New
Price: $144.89

Description: Model 35 axle ABS ring ONLY 3.5", 54 tooth.
Item #: FDHC-YSPABS-014
Condition: New
Price: $62.89

Description: Model 35 axle ABS ring, 2.7", 54 tooth
Item #: FDHC-YSPABS-012
Condition: New
Price: $62.89

Description: Model 35 C/clip.
Item #: FDHC-YSPCC-003
Condition: New
Price: $10.89

Description: Model 35 cover gasket.
Item #: FDHC-YCGM35
Condition: New
Price: $12.89

Description: Model 35 roll pin for cross pin shaft, 0.190" DIA.
Item #: FDHC-YSPXP-015
Condition: New
Price: $9.89

Description: Model 35 standard Open cross pin, BLT design, 0.685" DIA (NOT TracLoc).
Item #: FDHC-YSPXP-017
Condition: New
Price: $31.89

Description: Model 35 standard Open cross pin, roll PIN design, 0.685" DIA (NOT TracLoc).
Item #: FDHC-YSPXP-014
Condition: New
Price: $25.89

Description: Model 35 standard Open pinion gear Thrust washer, 0.685" ID, w/step
Item #: FDHC-YSPTW-021
Condition: New
Price: $13.89

Description: Model 35 standard Open side gear Thrust washer. Fits 1.625" side gear bore only.
Item #: FDHC-YSPTW-022
Condition: New
Price: $12.89

Description: Model 35 TracLoc & standard Open cross pin shaft, bolt design, 0.716" DIA.
Item #: FDHC-YSPXP-016
Condition: New
Price: $35.89

Description: Model 35 TracLoc & standard Open pinion gear Thrust washer, 0.716" ID, NO STEP.
Item #: FDHC-YSPTW-019
Condition: New
Price: $9.89

Description: O-ring for Dana 30 & Model 35 ZIP locker seal housing
Item #: FDHC-YZLAO-02
Condition: New
Price: $11.89

Description: O-ring for Toyota & Dana 44 ZIP locker seal housing
Item #: FDHC-YZLAO-01
Condition: New
Price: $11.89

Description: O-ring for Yukon Zip Locker Bulkhead fitting kit
Item #: FDHC-YZLAO-05
Condition: New
Price: $12.89

Description: Outer axle seal for set9, fits 0.375 applications. Yukon Mighty seal.
Item #: FDHC-YMS2146
Condition: New
Price: $21.89

Description: Outer axle seal to be used with set10 bearing. Yukon Mighty seal.
Item #: FDHC-YMS9912
Condition: New
Price: $20.89

Items 1141-1200 of 1332

View Universal items for: 1986, Jeep, Comanche