Complete Offroad » 1984, GMC, C1500

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  • (X) Year: 1984
  • (X) Make: GMC
  • (X) Model: C1500

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Items 121-180 of 224
Description: 3/8" ring gear bolt washer for GM 12 bolt car & truck, 8.2 BOP & more.
Item #: FDHC-YSPBLT-069
Condition: New
Price: $6.89

Description: 7.5" and 8.5" GM rear U/joint strap, Mech 3R.
Item #: FDHC-YY STR-008
Condition: New
Price: $27.89

Description: 8.2" & 8.5" rear cover gasket.
Item #: FDHC-YCGGM8.5
Condition: New
Price: $13.89

Description: Yukon Carrier installation kits are great, low cost kit for carrier changes such as Positraction or locker upgrades. Carrier installation kit for GM 8.2" & 8.5" differential. This kit contains carrier bearings, races and shims.
Item #: FDHC-CK GM8.5
Condition: New
Price: $104.89

Description: Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains.
Item #: FDHC-YDGGM8.5-3-30-1
Condition: New
Price: $826.89

Description: 8.5" & 8.6" GM standard Open pinion gear Thrust washer. also fits 8.5" Eaton with 0.795" cross pin.
Item #: FDHC-YSPTW-047
Condition: New
Price: $13.89

Description: Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains.
Item #: FDHC-YDGGM8.5-3-28-1
Condition: New
Price: $826.89

Description: 8.5" GM EXTRA HD standard Open case (uses larger bearings).
Item #: FDHC-YC G26010481-XHD
Condition: New
Price: $270.89

Description: Yukon Carrier installation kits are great, low cost kit for carrier changes such as Positraction or locker upgrades. This kit contains carrier bearings, races & shims.
Item #: FDHC-CK GM8.6
Condition: New
Price: $115.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 3.08 Ratio Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with 30 Spline Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip Positraction, and Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2231
Condition: New
Price: $1,367.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 3.08 Ratio Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2225
Condition: New
Price: $671.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 3.42 Ratio Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with 30 Spline Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip Positraction, and Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2232
Condition: New
Price: $1,360.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 3.42 Ratio Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2226
Condition: New
Price: $664.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 3.73 Ratio Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with 30 Spline Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip Positraction, and Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2233
Condition: New
Price: $1,399.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 3.73 Ratio Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2227
Condition: New
Price: $671.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 4.11 Ratio Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with 30 Spline Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip Positraction, and Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2234
Condition: New
Price: $1,499.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 4.11 Ratio Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2229
Condition: New
Price: $664.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 3.73 Ratio Thick Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2228
Condition: New
Price: $664.89

Description: Yukon Gear & Axle 8.875" GM 12 Bolt Truck, 4.11 Ratio Thick Rear Ring & Pinion Gear Set and Master Install Kit Package, with Axle Bearings & Seals
Item #: FDHC-YGK2230
Condition: New
Price: $664.89

Description: Aluminum Girdle cover for 8.2" and 8.5" GM TA HD.
Item #: FDHC-YP C3-GM8.5-R
Condition: New
Price: $408.89

Description: Aluminum Girdle cover for GM 12T TA HD.
Item #: FDHC-YP C3-GM12T
Condition: New
Price: $408.89

Description: C/Clip for Chrysler 8.25", Ford 7.5", 8.8", GM 12 bolt car & truck, 8.2", 8.5" & 8.6".
Item #: FDHC-YSPCC-010
Condition: New
Price: $10.89

Description: Yukon Carrier installation kits are great, low cost kit for carrier changes such as Positraction or locker upgrades. This kit contains carrier bearings, races & shims.
Item #: FDHC-CK GM8.5-HD
Condition: New
Price: $142.89

Description: Chrome cover for 8.6", 8.5" and 8.2" GM rear.
Item #: FDHC-YP C1-GM8.5-R
Condition: New
Price: $63.89

Description: Chrome cover for GM 12T.
Item #: FDHC-YP C1-GM12T
Condition: New
Price: $53.89

Description: Chrome Moly cross pin shaft for Mini-Spool for 8.5" GM HD.
Condition: New
Price: $55.89

Description: Chrome Moly cross pin shaft for Mini-Spool for GM 12P and 12T HD.
Condition: New
Price: $55.89

Description: Cross pin bolt for Chrysler 8.25", 9.25" rear, Ford 7.5", 8.8", GM 12 bolt car & truck, 7.2" IFs, 7.5", 7.6", 8.0", 8.25" IFS & 8.5".
Item #: FDHC-YSPBLT-038
Condition: New
Price: $8.89

Description: 12T solid crush sleeve replacement spacer, pinion preload.
Condition: New
Price: $48.89

Description: Crush sleeve eliminator kit for GM 8.5" & Chrysler 9.25"
Item #: FDHC-SK CSGM8.5
Condition: New
Price: $50.89

Description: Replacement Crush Sleeve for GM 7.6" IRS, 8.5", 8.6", 8.75", 8.875" & Nissan M226 rear. Approx. 0.620" long.
Item #: FDHC-YSPCS-014
Condition: New
Price: $8.89

Description: 5/16"-18 cover bolt, Dana Spicer 25, 27, 30 and 44, AMC Model 20 and Model 35, Chrysler 9.25 rear, GM 7.5", 7.625", 8.2", 8.5", 12 bolt passenger car and truck.
Item #: FDHC-YSPBLT-075
Condition: New
Price: $6.89

Description: 1310 U-bolts, 5/16" x 1-3/8" Dana 30, Dana 44, 8.2", 12P, 12T, VET, Model 20.
Item #: FDHC-YY UB-002
Condition: New
Price: $29.89

Description: 12T cover gasket.
Condition: New
Price: $12.89

Description: GM 12 bolt truck crush sleeve, 2.350" long.
Item #: FDHC-YSPCS-022
Condition: New
Price: $12.89

Description: Replacement limited slip (Positraction) clutch guide to fit Chrysler 9.25", Dana Spicer 44, Dana Spicer 50, Ford 8.8", GM 12 bolt passenger car, GM 8.2", 8.5" and 8.6", 1963-1979 Corvette and Nissan M226.
Item #: FDHC-YSPCG-003
Condition: New
Price: $11.89

Description: Main Cap Stud kit for GM 7.5", 7.625", 8.5", 8.6", 12 bolt passenger car & truck
Item #: FDHC-YP TA-1815
Condition: New
Price: $111.89

Description: Yukon performance spools are made from the highest quality materials to ensure high strength and long life in performance applications.
Item #: FDHC-YP MINSGM12-30
Condition: New
Price: $252.89

Description: Yukon performance spools are made from the highest quality materials to ensure high strength and long life in performance applications.
Item #: FDHC-YP MINSGM8.5-28
Condition: New
Price: $171.89

Description: Yukon performance spools are made from the highest quality materials to ensure high strength and long life in performance applications.
Item #: FDHC-YP MINSGM8.5-30
Condition: New
Price: $190.89

Description: Notched cross pin shaft for 12P and 12T GM. This cross pin shaft is not compatible with Powertrax Lock Rights or Spartan Lockers.
Item #: FDHC-YSPXP-053
Condition: New
Price: $54.89

Description: 8" Toyota, 7.5" GM, 8.2" GM, 12T, pinion shim set, & Mazda truck.
Item #: FDHC-SK T8
Condition: New
Price: $31.89

Description: Pinion depth shims for 7.5" GM, 7.75" GM, 8.2" GM, 12T, & other
Item #: FDHC-SK 21104
Condition: New
Price: $24.89

Description: 8.25" IFS, 8.5", 12P, 7.5" F, 8.8" F, 8.25" Chrysler pinion shim kit.
Item #: FDHC-SK 25300
Condition: New
Price: $27.89

Description: Pinion nut for GM 12 bolt car & truck, 55-62 car & truck, 8.2", 8.2" Buick/Old's/Pontiac & 63-79 Corvette. 1 1/8" socket, 7/8" x 16 thread.
Item #: FDHC-YSPPN-016
Condition: New
Price: $10.89

Description: Pinion nut for GM 7.2" IFS, 7.5", 7.6", 7.6" IFS, 8.0", 8.25", 8.5", 8.6", 9.25" IFS, 9.5" & Oldsmobile Dropouts. 1 1/4" socket, 7/8" x 14 thread.
Item #: FDHC-YSPPN-018
Condition: New
Price: $10.89

Description: Pinion nut washer for GM 12 bolt car & truck, 55-62 GM car & truck, GM 8.2" & 63-79 Corvette.
Item #: FDHC-YSPPN-032
Condition: New
Price: $26.89

Description: Pinion nut washer for GM 7.2" IFS, 7.5", 7.6", 7.6" IFS, 8.5", 8.6" & 9.5".
Item #: FDHC-YSPPN-033
Condition: New
Price: $13.89

Description: Polished aluminum cover for 8.6", 8.2" and 8.5" GM rear. Includes 5/16 cover bolts.
Item #: FDHC-YP C2-GM8.5-R
Condition: New
Price: $266.89

Description: Polished aluminum cover for 12T GM.
Item #: FDHC-YP C2-GM12T
Condition: New
Price: $310.89

Description: Positraction cross pin bolt for GM 12P and 12T.
Item #: FDHC-YSPBLT-065
Condition: New
Price: $40.89

Description: Positraction pinion gear thrust washer with step-lip inside for GM 12P and 12T. fits new Eaton's.
Item #: FDHC-YSPTW-044
Condition: New
Price: $17.89

Description: This OE quality rear brake drum is a replacement for the drum in our axle conversion kit. 12T REAR BRAKE DRUM 71-72 , & 63-70 AXLE CONVERSION KITS. 5x5.00" .
Item #: FDHC-YP BR-05
Condition: New
Price: $121.89

Description: 8.5, 9.5, & 8.2 Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac GM REDI sleeve yoke saver. Yukon Mighty seal.
Item #: FDHC-YMS99193
Condition: New
Price: $48.89

Description: Redline Synthetic "Shock Proof" Oil with Positraction Additive. 4 Quarts.
Item #: FDHC-OK 4-QRT-A
Condition: New
Price: $136.89

Description: Redline Synthetic "Shock Proof" Oil. 3 Quarts.
Item #: FDHC-OK 3-QRT
Condition: New
Price: $93.89

Description: Redline Synthetic "Shock Proof" Oil. 4 Quarts.
Item #: FDHC-OK 4-QRT
Condition: New
Price: $134.89

Description: Replacement bare case for GM 8.5" & 8.6" Yukon Dura Grip. Fits both 28 & 30 spline applications. This carrier case is for a Yukon Dura Grip ONLY. It is NOT a replacement carrier for a stock Positraction.
Item #: FDHC-YC GM8.5-DG-3
Condition: New
Price: $396.89

Description: Ring gear bolt for GM 12 bolt car & truck, 8.2", 8.2" for Buick/Old's/Pontiac, 63-79 Corvette & 55-62 GM Car & Truck. 3/8" x 24.
Item #: FDHC-YSPBLT-016
Condition: New
Price: $7.89

Description: Ring gear bolt for GM 7.5", 7.6", 7.6" IRS, 8.0", 8.25" IFS, 8.5", 8.6" & 8.6" IRS. 7/16" x 20.
Item #: FDHC-YSPBLT-019
Condition: New
Price: $6.89

Items 121-180 of 224

View Universal items for: 1984, GMC, C1500